Monday, November 22, 2010

Tung Ting Oolong Tea

Tung-Ting Oolong is a green oolong tea which means it has been baked less than dark Oolong teas. Leaves for this tea are grown in the Tung Ting region of Taiwan at an elevation of about 2,500 feet. The Tung-Ting region is usually covered by fog and clouds every morning and late afternoon which provide good growing conditions for tea leaves made into oolong. However, when brewed, it produces a golden-green hue, a very strong bitter taste along with a strong bitter flowery aroma, and a lasting aftertaste that just wont go away. Of all the tea i have had in Taiwan I must say this is my least favorite. I bought it so i will drink it and try to find some satisfaction in it. My chinese teacher told it that it is "Old Man Tea" because of the bitterness. I perfer the other oolong tea compared to this one.

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